Poem: The Queue
Did you see the queue for the queen?
I think it’s now known as “The Queue”
For hundreds of mourners to solemnly wait
To walk past the late monarch lying in state
The Queue stretches hundreds of miles
I heard it goes all the way to Carlisle
I heard The Queue accrued so many of you
That The Queue then grew another queue
And they now call that queue QEII
So you queue for the queue to QEII
Then 10 hours later, when you get through
You can, if you like, return to The Queue
And queue again! And restart the cycle anew
To queue to get through to view QEII
I heard they’re starting a new queue
To visit an exhibit all about The Queue
While you wait to get through to the actual Queue
You know, just a nice extra thing to do
While you wait… wait, I can’t remember anymore
What were we even all queuing for?